Sunday, February 7, 2010

london bloke

this thursday the fam i are heading out to london for the third straight year. i was actually born in oxford because my dad was in the military. the first time we went it was just my wife and i as part of her christmas gift. we made the trek to spend time with my sister and her family, along with my uncle. i also got alicia keys tickets as she was performing at the oddly shaped o2 dome. all in all, i wish we had stayed longer though because we basically took the whole first day just getting adjusted, which translated means, we sat around the room eating, drinking, and i tried to school the wife on english comedy.

we've already got our train tickets headed to oxford, which happens to be my birthplace. this will be the first time ive been back since i stepped on the scene 32 long years ago. im excited about just going there, but im also looking forward to going around snapping pics. there is something magical about a castle that blows my citified mind away. it just seems so unreal or fairy tale like to me. its like going somewhere and finding a unicorn or being able to visit the place where robin hood setup camp.

last year the entire family went. yes all 5 of us. i didnt know how our kids would do being confined for so long but they actually did very well and we were thankful the boy didnt get up and sprint through the aisles or flick a booger on some passerby. the kids all had disposable cameras to take pictures of whatever they wanted. although at first they were taking pictures of things like a fire hydrant, their beds, bars of soap, the pillows, etc. after unsuccessfully trying to get them to be more frugal in their picture choices, we just let them have at it as they desired.

speaking of pictures here some from the last two trips:

why are double deckers so cool?

spent entirely too much time here

how can this place NOT be the shizznit

im guessing this doesnt help the british escape the bad teeth thing. i mean flossing with cotton candy??

the london eye. a sweet way to view the city

out front buckingham palace

my wife, me, the rasta(my uncle), and my sister

my sister, me, and my uncle

in one of the london eye carriers

these things are awesome!...and i dont mean because the inside of most of these rival the vegas streets with all the ads for porn, sex chat lines, etc.


Shelly- Mom Files said...

Wow, sounds like it will be a very exciting trip!! I wish you and your family a safe and fun time :) Can't wait to see your photos. You had some great ones from your last trip.

Riley Kai said...

Look forward to your new pictures! Safe travels!

~ t a m m y ~ said...

Candy floss! LOL!! I've been to the UK a couple of times but I heard of candy floss before.

Great photos!

diana b said...

Great pictures! You and your sister look a lot alike!

Deb O said...

Great pics,
YES, what is candy floss??

About Me

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texas, United States
im married to one succulent momma and we have 3 supremo kids. i like corn dogs, star wars, toothbrushes with the grip and there isnt really much more to say of interest about me. well other than the fact that i can moonwalk and count to 10 by 5's.

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