Sunday, June 14, 2009


so if you've read any of my blog you know that im a pretty big idol fan. you also know that alison was robbed but i digress.

in this issue, glam, not to mention theatrical, rocker adam lambert dishes on his sexuality and thus finally clearing up all the 'doubts' viewers of the show may have had. i for one am glad he finally did the interview and cleared things up. i mean what a shocker! next thing you know joan rivers will do a 5 page spread for people magazine letting us know she has in fact had plastic surgery. or donald trump will do a story revealing that he actually does use , or over use, hair products. or what about the story hugh hefner will undoubtedly do letting us in on the fact that he does employ the services viagra provides (or some other bedroom 'aid'.)

of course this all supposed to read sarcastically as i could care less about his homosexuality. he is still an overly dramatic singer in my opinion and thats whether he likes guys named kris allen or girls named...well kris allen! hehe, in the article he also dishes about his crush on kris allen...yuck

1 comment:

sammy said...

lol i know! surprised the hell out of me too!

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texas, United States
im married to one succulent momma and we have 3 supremo kids. i like corn dogs, star wars, toothbrushes with the grip and there isnt really much more to say of interest about me. well other than the fact that i can moonwalk and count to 10 by 5's.

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