Friday, October 23, 2009

a trip to the bookstore

if you've noticed the sporadic nature of this here blog, you'll also understand that its hard for me to find time to read books. well basically alot of things i like to do. ie, take photographs, watch the office, bathe, parent, etc. but when i do get the chance, i usually over indulge. in this case, i went there for one book but left with 4 and a half...i'll explain the half shortly.

i really do like the bookstore. not sure if it just makes me feel smart and somewhat 'uppity' or what the reason is, but i do enjoy spending time hanging out. for this trip, my wife had my daughters and they were doing whatever it is girls do when the boys are away, so my son and i ventured out in the rain that dumped on the new england area a few nights back. now my son is the epitome of what one should think of when the term 'little hellian' is used! love him to death but my son is a trip...especially in public! so we're walking around the store looking at all the new titles. as im looking around feeling educated, i had made my way from the carpeting to the tiling and when i did, my quasi wet shoes made an awkward sound that sounded relatively harmless...unless you're a six year old hellian. my lil sammy says 'aww dad did you fart?!'. he thankfully didnt scream it, but he did say it loud enough for a lady to turn around and look at me like, well, like i farted in public. i dont even know what i said. infact, i never know what to say and things like this unfortunately happen regularly. i sorta mumbled under my breath for him to stop being so silly.

not only is this blog sporadic in the peppering of posts here and there, its also sporadic in its themes. this also held true for my purchases at the bookstore. the over indulgent hodgepodge i walked out with went like this:

1) 'wishful drinking" carrie fisher aka princess leia. a memoir about the struggles she's faced ie. drugs, bouts of depression and being bipolar. plus im a star wars geek

2) 'a million miles in a thousand years' donald miller. basically a memoir about a memoir. he talks about a popular previous book of his that was going to be made into a film. the subtitle reads 'what i learned while editing my life.' im not doing it justice at all but its a great read. i started with this one

3) 'boundaries with kids' henry cloud and john townsend. a book written by psychologists with great insight into raising 'healthy kids'.

4) 'my jesus year' benyamin cohen. the book is subtitled 'a rabbi's son wanders the bible belt in search of his own faith'

5) 'dirty jokes every man should know'...doogie horner. absolutely riveting stories of sex, alcohol, and lawyer jokes

6) 'mike and ike" sugar. a fruity candy that is a must have!


Lora said...

My dad and his wife and her son (my steps, I guess is what people call people like that) were in town, and Jake and I tagged along to do some cheesy historic stuff with them.

Jake was making gross noises at the Liberty Bell, where everyone else is totally silent. I told him to stop, that he was being disgusting and inappropriate.

He said "but I didn't talk about vaginas!"

sammy said...

nice one!!!

much to my wife's chagrin, i am utterly useless as a dad when any of my kids do something they arent supposed to but its too damned funny NOT to laugh at!

About Me

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texas, United States
im married to one succulent momma and we have 3 supremo kids. i like corn dogs, star wars, toothbrushes with the grip and there isnt really much more to say of interest about me. well other than the fact that i can moonwalk and count to 10 by 5's.

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